When the Universe conspires to create magic, it leads you to a place like Sedona. That's precisely what happened when Catherine, my fellow mystic from the Woo Woo Chick Podcast, and I decided to embark on a rejuvenating retreat at the dawn of the year. Amidst the hustle of our lives and who could watch our beloved dogs Lola, Lucy and Zeus, the Universe smiled upon us, and we found ourselves in Sedona under the spell of the April pink full moon.
Our sanctuary for this mystical journey was the newly renovated Hotel SkyRock, as if fated by the cosmos, the hotel's bar was named the Woo Woo Bar—a sign that this was our destined retreat.
Sedona welcomed us with its legendary red rocks and vibrant vortexes, swirling with energy and possibility.

We surrendered our itinerary to the whims of the universe, (all part of me letting go of controlling everything) eager to immerse ourselves in the full moon's glow, record a few podcast episodes, seek spiritual insights, connect with each other and simply bask in Sedona's magical energies.
Our culinary adventure was unexpectedly from Chocola Tree, a revelation in dining introduced to us by my new dog sitter. This haven of organic, vegetarian farm-to-table we couldn’t wait to try.

So much has changed with me and food since I haven’t been drinking it might have started a little before that, but the no drinking really brought to life by the lack of excitement over eating out. This lack is for many reasons but one big one is you never know the quality of ingredients at a restaurant not to mention their practices of cooking it. I try to buy all organic and I am eating less animal protein. Now don’t get me wrong sugar is my downfall and I love carbs so I am not saying I am a total health nut with my food. I just try to pick and choose where I can control the quality and quantity of what I am eating.

Dining at Chocola Tree wasn't just eating; it was an act of spiritual nourishment, surrounded by meditating guests, yogis in flow, and gardens that whispered of peace. The vision of Chocola Tree—"of a world bathed in natural splendor, where every child grows amidst fresh gardens—captured our hearts and palates”. Their handmade chocolates and desserts were not merely treats; they were the embodiment of sustainable, local, and organic artistry. Wow, doesn’t that sound amazing? Well, it was! You must try.
Our conversations flowed like the Sedona streams—deep, reflective, and filled with the light of shared dreams and aspirations. We delved into our personal journeys, the evolution of our podcast, and the strength found in mutual support. Stay tuned, for we have plans to introduce a special guest to our podcast every 4-6 weeks! Follow our podcast show or us on IG for more.
Over those 48 hours, sleep was an afterthought as our souls danced in dialogue. I was enveloped by inspiration, learning, and growth, absent of drama or negativity. We chose gratitude as our compass, steering us towards healing and away from life's lower vibrations.
Two poignant readings delivered messages that resonated deeply, affirming my path and hinting at exciting developments yet to be revealed. New things in the works so stay tuned!
As the full moon began its ascent, we were treated to a 180-degree spectacle of the East's red rock mountains, illuminated by the moon's growing luminescence.

The sight was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Embracing the potent energy of the moon, we engaged in a powerful ritual of release, documenting our burdens and watching them dissolve into the flames.
In the presence of the rising moon, we decided to record our podcast, drinking cups of steaming tea, we were enveloped in the moment, the vibrational energy of the universe pulsing through us, it was magical!
Before nightfall cloaked came, we embarked on a serene walk (I don’t hike lol) to commune with nature and put our crystals with the earth's resilient energy and the moon's pink glow. We nestled them in the wilderness, entrusting them to the red rocks' powerful embrace.
Greeted by the dawn's sunrise, we revived our morning rituals of meditation, introspective chatting and journaling. With the day leisurely unfolding before us,

we went back to Chocola Tree and had delectable pancakes and robust coffee; our souls caressed by the garden's enchantment for hours on end.
Our quest for spiritual insight led us to the Center for New Age, a haven brimming with mystical guides, healing crystals, enlightening books, and divinatory oracle cards. Here, I received another profound reading that would require days of contemplation to fully grasp the depth of its wisdom.
To journey further into the magic of our Sedona experience,

I invite you to tune into our podcast episodes (link here)
and follow my stories and narrative chronicles on Instagram @megsdivinechoices
Should your own spirit feel called to the red rocks and vortexes of Sedona, my heart and knowledge are open to you. Don't hesitate to reach out for more intimate details or guidance on your own pilgrimage.
With a heart full of love and a soul at peace, I send you forth on your own path of discovery and enlightenment.